skating rinks

WeTicket is ready to help skating rinks sell tickets every winter. Visitors easily order tickets with a time slot. This can be done both online and at the entrance of the skating rink. Team members can quickly check in tickets from visitors. The low cost of WeTicket also makes the ticket sales system attractive for associations with lower budgets. We are here for small and large organizations.

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ticketing for skating rinks
Ticket sales

Ticket sales

Sell tickets the way you want.
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Reach more potential visitors
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Check in visitors rapidly.
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Save by innovating

WeTicket originated from a group of organizers with the need for progress. By collaborating, they managed to develop smarter tools and reduce costs. Now, everyone can benefit from that.

Access to all tools
Personal support
All for one fixed price per ticket
Photo Maurice | PCA Kwiek
Maurice | PCA Kwiek

"WeTicket works flawlessly and is competitively priced."

Photo Ronnie | Ijsvereniging Ezinge
Ronnie | IJsvereniging Ezinge

"Skaters were very enthusiastic about the ease of ordering."

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