Personal contact is important to us at WeTicket. Our team is there for you. Completely free of charge. Most questions are handled via email, Whatsapp or telephone. Do you have a larger question? Then we will be happy to schedule an appointment.
How do you ensure that it is easy to switch to WeTicket?
It is possible to start with WeTicket if you have been selling tickets through another system. In this case, one of our experts will help you make a successful transition. Among other things, we can migratie your data to WeTicket.
How do you work best with your team in WeTicket?
You can easily add team members to your WeTicket portal. This way you can work together quickly and efficiently.
Step 1: Login to Weticket.
Step 2: Click on organisation in the top right corner and then on team.
Step 3: You can add team members from this page. Team members can be given different authorisations on three levels: administrator, editor and entrance employee.
How do you check in visitors?
You can check in visitors quickly with the WeTicket app.
The app allows you to scan tickets quickly. You can also look up orders and check them in manually. Handy if someone has forgotten their tickets.You can also use hand scanners. You connect the hand scanners to your laptop with a USB cable. Then you can scan tickets with the hand scanners.
How do visitors receive tickets?
After payment, visitors will receive an e-mail from us containing the ticket(s). This mail can be modified by the organisers themselves.
Can you add and edit activities yourself?
Yes, you can add and edit activities yourself via the portal.
How do you add people to the guest list?
Step 1: You create a ticket type with the name 'guest list' and with a price of 0 euro. Through more options you make this ticket type not visible for online sales.
Step 2: In the left menu you click on door sales. Through this page you can create your own orders.
Step 3: You select the number of guest list tickets you want and fill in the details of your guest. Then you check 'send tickets by email' and click 'register payment'. The tickets are created and sent to your guest.
What sectors is the WeTicket system suitable for?
The WeTicket system is flexible and can be set up in different ways. Several sectors therefore use WeTicket. Theaters, nightclubs, skating rinks, festivals, museums, concerts, exhibitions, pop venues and many others. Discover all use cases.
How is the data of your visitors handled?
Your customers, your data. All data processed is and remains yours. Read more about our legal documents.